Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Real Ed Hardy

Will the real Ed Hardy… the real Ed Hardy please
go out of style. Excruciating
eighties art work with a twist
of trucker hat celebrity, gaudy

glitz and 5th grade cursive writing! It’s amazing
what passes for style. How
about a cool drag of
original thought instead

of those retard retreads that were posh when
you were nursing your Studio
54 hangover. What name costs
more than Christian’s sweatshop? Ed’s

wallets cost more cash than the bambino’s
back bent factory fodder who make
these ridiculous rags so folks
can think someone else’s name is

cooler than their own. Would Christian
Audigier buy a $50 shirt with my name
on it? He'll make a new
fitty with a fresh bambino scribing

Ed Hardy… Ed Hardy.


  1. awwwweeee...our great society!!! I know how to special rape = C O M M E R C I A L I S M...and hopping on the trend wagon...muahaaaaa!

  2. Thanks for the comments. The poetry will only get different.

  3. I really like this. Can I read some of your poetry somewhere. I love it's rythm.
